Safe Ride 1


Need a late ride home from work or class? Safe Ride has you covered!

Safe Ride is a late night transportation service provided to members of the Michigan State University community as a safe and free alternative to walking home alone after dark. University Safe Ride programs are proven to reduce assault-related dangers and drunk driving both on and off campus.

Please be prepared for wait times that can exceed 20-25 minutes due to rider demand.

Hours of Operation

Terms of Service

Please review this acknowledgement prior to requesting your ride.

By logging onto the ASMSU Safe Ride service or using the ASMSU Safe Ride service, and in consideration of the opportunity to use the Safe Ride Service, I understand and voluntarily accept the following terms of use:

  • I acknowledge that there are risks inherent in the use of the ASMSU Safe Ride service and I voluntarily and knowingly assume all such risks.
  • I release, waive, and discharge ASMSU, MSU, its officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, and contractors (collectively, “Releasees”) from any and all claims arising from the use of the ASMSU Safe Ride service that may result in personal injury, accident, illness or property loss. As part of this release, waiver, and discharge, I agree not to sue Releasees in connection with any such injury, accident, illness, or loss.
  • I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Releasees harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, and expenses, including attorney fees, and to reimburse Releasees for any such expense incurred in connection with, or as a result of, my use of the ASMSU Safe Ride service.
  • I agree that the cost of any mess I create and any damage I cause to the vehicle will be my responsibility and charged to my University Student Account ranging from $50-$200. This includes, but is not limited to trash, spilled food, or the cleanup of bodily fluids.
  • I agree to not cause any nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience, or property damage to the ASMSU Safe Ride service provider or any other party that may be using the ASMSU Safe Ride service.
  • I agree that I may be denied the use of the ASMSU Safe Ride service if I refuse to provide proof of identity and/or fail to abide by the terms of use found at
  • I am aware that ASMSU provides undergraduate students with free transportation to and from inperson
    classes and employment obligations. I understand that ASMSU does not own or operate the vehicles used
    in its Safe Ride service, but that ASMSU has hired Dean Charters and Tours, Inc. (“DEAN), to provide all
    drivers and vehicles for its Safe Ride service. I am also aware that the novel coronavirus has caused a
    worldwide pandemic of a respiratory illness called COVID19.
  • I acknowledge that COVID19 is extremely contagious and can spread by persontoperson contact, contact
    with contaminated surfaces and objects, or through the air, and can cause potentially lifethreatening illness,
    injury, and even death. I understand that ASMSU and DEAN cannot prevent me from becoming exposed
    to, contracting, or spreading COVID19 while utilizing ASMSU’s Safe Ride service. Although precautions
    have been put in place, it is not possible to ensure against the presence of the disease. Therefore, if I choose
    to utilize ASMSU’s Safe Ride service, I may be exposing myself to and/or increasing my risk of contracting
    or spreading COVID19. To help keep everyone safe from exposure, sickness and/or possible death from
    COVID19, I agree to adhere to the following terms and protocols, unless medical conditions prevent me
    from doing so, when using the Safe Ride service:
    • Use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer when I enter the Safe Ride vehicle and after I touch any doors,
      seats, seatbelts, or other items exposed to touching by other person(s).
    • Wear a face mask at all times.
    • Note: If I test positive for the coronavirus, ASMSU and DEAN may be required to notify local health
      authorities, MSU, or other reporting agencies that I have used the Safe Ride service and may have been in
      contact with our staff or other persons. By signing this form, I am agreeing that ASMSU may make such a
      report without an additional signed release.
  • Requesting a ride to a commercial location
  • Asking for more than one ride a night
  • Requesting a ride for yourself and more than 2 guests
  • Excessively high wait times

Step 1:

Download the ASMSU Safe Ride App (App Store or Google Play Store), it is the best way to request a ride!

  • Download the ASMSU Safe Ride App
    • Using Apple App Store
    • Using Google Play
  • Current MSU netID information is required to request a ride
  • Must use your own MSU account when requesting a ride
  • MUST be a MSU student
  • Safe Ride will only drop you off at your home address
  • Can bring up to two guests.
  • Includes a wheelchair accessible vehicle which can be requested through the application or by phone.
  • Safe Ride vehicles will only travel within posted boundaries.
  • Smoking, vaping, eating, and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in Safe Ride vehicles
  • Please be respectful to your Safe Ride driver and vehicle at all times.
  • Please be ready to go when your Safe Ride arrives. Our driver will wait a maximum of 3 minutes before continuing their route. Failure to do so will result in being marked a no show and could lead to being blacklisted.
  • Be ready to exit the vehicle when you arrive at your end location
  • Please clean up after yourself by picking up any garbage before exiting the vehicle
  • Please ensure that you have all of your belongings (phone, keys, wallet, etc.) before exiting the vehicle
  • If you have to cancel your ride, please call immediately and cancel or reschedule to ensure that others can take advantage of the service.
  • Safe Ride reserves the right to refuse service.
  • Please forward any questions, comments, or concerns to
  • Please take the survey at the end of your ride to help us improve!
  • Any address within the following boundaries:
    • North: East State Rd.
    • South: Mount Hope Rd.
    • East: Park Lake Rd.
    • West: U.S. 127
  • Can anybody use Safe Ride?
    • Use of Safe Ride is limited to Michigan State University students only with two guests. For liability reasons, Safe Ride is unable to transport young children. If you have parties larger than three, please consider using an alternative transportation option.
  • How long does it take to get a ride?
    • Wait times vary based on request volume, weather conditions, traffic, etc. The TransLoc app will give you updated wait times on the application, so you will know when your ride will arrive.
  • Where do I go for my pick-up?
    • Please wait for your ride in a safe and well lit location. As your ride arrives, please wait in an open location that makes it easy for the driver to find you.
  • What happens if I can’t make my ride?
    • If you are unable to make your ride please immediately call and cancel or reschedule your ride. This allows us to pick up other students that need rides.
  • How will I know when my car arrives?
    • The Safe Ride vehicle will be marked with the ASMSU Safe Ride Logo and a lit sign on top of the car.
  • If I am a minor under the influence, will I be susceptible to a Minor In Possession?
    • No, Safe Ride is a non judgemental service focused on helping students get home. Our Safe Ride drivers are trained to be prepared for anything. Please make sure that you remain respectful throughout your ride and relay to the Safe Ride driver if you need anything.
  • What if the application says Safe Ride is not in operation (during the hours of 9pm and 2:30am)? Try these steps in order:
    • Delete and re-download the safe ride application
    • Delete your web browser’s cache
    • If neither of these options solves the issue you can come to the Engagement Office (Room 307 Student Services Building) during the hours of 9:30am and 4:30pm Monday-Friday for assistance.

MSU CATA ‘Night Owl’

  • The Night Owl provides late night/early morning campus service at times when other CATA bus services are not running. Passengers may travel between any two locations on MSU campus. Rides are restricted to campus only.
  • Service Hours: Monday thru Friday 2 AM until 7 AM, Saturday & Sunday 2 AM until 9 AM
  • Call 517.432.8888 (2.8888 from any campus phone) when you are ready for a ride. A small bus will arrive within 20 minutes of your call to take you to your campus destination. No advance reservations will be accepted.
For more information, visit:
New Location Petition